Colored Etched Brass Signs

Various metals have special durability when they are used for making signs. They are resistant to weather and have a long service life. In addition to painting and sticker attaching, another great method for creating patterns on metal sheets is acid etching, which has the advantage of creating very detailed patterns.

Various metals have special durability when they are used for making signs. They are resistant to weather and have a long service life. In addition to painting and sticker attaching, another great method for creating patterns on metal sheets is acid etching, which has the advantage of creating very detailed patterns. In addition to stainless steel or aluminum sheets, another metal that looks beautiful and luxurious when used to make these etched signs is brass, both plain acid etching and acid etching with paint in the resulting grooves. Both styles have different aesthetics. Customers can contact us to order according to their desired design.

Supamas Viriyanusorn

Sale Manager Signs Supplier Co.,LTD.

ID : Signssupplier